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Career Pathway Course for eSports

Overview of Esports Careers

Learning Goals

  1. Describe the Esports industry.
    • Define and use terminology associated with Esports.
    • Describe Esports careers and their common characteristics. 
    • Understand the history of Esports as a career field, including the value of Esports to players at every level. 
    • Identify skills required to enter and advance in Esports careers.
  2. Identify career clusters and pathways associated with Esports. 
  3. Build a career portfolio that documents career interests, knowledge, and skills.
  4. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals (Career Ready Practice 10).
  5. Use valid and reliable research strategies (Career Ready Practice 7).

Guiding Questions

  • Why are Esports emerging as one of the world’s top sports?
  • How can a personal interest in Esports help prepare you for your future?
  • Are the career opportunities associated with Esports a good fit for your interests, skills, abilities and talents?

Module Vocabulary

  • AAA (Triple A)
  • Bots
  • DLC (Downloadable Content)
  • Glitch
  • Easter Eggs

  • Lag
  • MMORPG (Mass Multiplayer Role Playing Game)
  • Sandbox
  • Career Clusters
  • Career Ready Skills


  • My Esports Profile, including personal career development goals and plans
  • Formative assessments including History of Esports Timeline, Esports Career Cluster Mind Map, and exit slips